Our office is using a hybrid of in-office visits and telemedicine . Office visits will be prioritized but telemedicine is a unique and quick way to access us.
- As we are a medical facility, masking is now optional but recommended while you are inside our office. You may still be required to mask if you are actively sick. Masking guidelines may change according to public health recommendations
- Our office uses both in-office visits and telemedicine by phone to assess our patients. Contact us to book a televisit like a regular appointment. Click here to find out on how to prepare for your televisit call
- You can call in to book an appointment and you can also make an online booking request.
- All patients are reminded to seek medical attention if needed, and you can do that with telemedicne or an in-person visit.
- Our office is open and available. Check the Blog tab or our FB page to get the latest information.